
Threshold - stories of initiation

Threshold: Stories of Initiation is an anthology that takes you on a transformative journey through the depths of the human experience. Inspired by the ancient Sumerian goddess Inanna, these remarkable authors—spiritual entrepreneurs, healers, coaches, midwives, and naturopaths—share their personal tales of crossing the Threshold.

Within these pages, you will encounter raw and courageous narratives that explore the power of initiation. From navigating the Dark Night of the Soul to the awakening of a New Earth consciousness, each chapter unveils unique Threshold moments that have shaped the author’s lives and explore the very human experience of what it means to breakdown before breakingthrough.

These stories are beacons of resilience and triumph, reminding us of our shared challenges. Threshold shows how pain, suffering, and grief can be turned into liberation and transformation. Get ready to awaken the dormant hero or heroine within, and to embrace your own Threshold moments, discovering boundless power within.


Ahna De Vena
Alli Garison
Angela Carey
Brenda Staat-Tomlinson
Bronwyn Legg
Claire Calvert
Farah Asif
Jessica Goldstone-Smith
Kylie Garnham
Lauren McLeish
Lenore Kindon
Mona Bantle
Natasha McElwaine
Rachel Davis
Tarsh Ashwin